Well, it's been a decent 2+ months since our trip to California and I still haven't finished writing about it. Maybe I'm a procrastinator or maybe I just really have spent the last two months reflecting and trying to figure out what to say. Maybe I subconsciously didn't want to write because I wanted to pretend the trip never ended.

But really, the last few days of the trip just felt like normal life (I mean, normal life if we didn't have jobs hahaha). We started to be able to drive/walk from place to place without relying so much on Google Maps. We finally adjusted to the time zone difference. James finally got over his initial culture shock and admitted he really likes San Diego. Dare I say, we felt...at home...
The last time I felt this way after a trip was when I traveled to Athens, GA in 2007 for a long weekend with my ex-boyfriend who had friends at UGA. I decided right then and there, with almost no thought process whatsoever that I would go to UGA for grad school. I immediately loved Athens and felt at home more than I did in my actual hometown. So I'm not saying we're going to drop everything and move to California but I will say my snap decision to up and move to Athens did turn out to be a good thing. Maybe I should trust my instincts more than my logical, cold, little brain.
The good news is, we're definitely in the midst of planning another trip to California. It will be after the winter holidays when everyone is in the doldrums of January in Georgia. Stay tuned...
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